Saturday, June 30, 2007

Natasha Bedingfield Live!

Natasha Bedingfield - I Wanna Have Your Babies (Albert) Live

Funbongo: We won these, it was in the LDN Apple Store.
Albert Hoxton: The 'Genius Bar', where you go to for 'Apple help', didn't serve any beer. This was simply wrong.
Funbongo: Last time I went to the 'Genius Store' they told me the problem I was encountering with iTunes video playback was a 'glitch' and I was amazing for spotting it; this didn't help the problem...
Albert Hoxton: We got these cards with 10 free iTunes downloads which was Coolio and the bing bang bong.
Funbongo: No flash photography was allowed so video only for this one.
Albert Hoxton: Oh chop! I thought they said no flashing, I would have flashed me rudebox at Tash had I known...

Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten Live

Natasha Bedingfield - Soulmate Live

Natasha Bedingfield - These Words Live

Natasha Bedingfield - Say It Again

Natasha Bedingfield - NB (iTunes Album)

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